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CIA Secret Raid to Kill Bin Laden

Written By Unknown on Monday, May 2, 2011 | 2:57 AM

ìka ,dvka urd±ófï
ryis.; fufyhqu

isÿ l< yeá

w¨;au jd¾;d wkqj ìka ,dvka urd±ófï fuu iQlaIau fufyhqu ie,iqï lr we;af;a udi 9 lg fmr miq.sh wf.daia;= udifha isgh' jhUÈ. mlsia;dkfha wefndgndÜ m%foaYfha ìka ,dvka ie`.ù isák njg T;a;=jla ,nd.; yelsj ;sfnkafka Tyqg mKsúv f.k.sh Tyqf.a iydhlfhl= weußldkq T;a;=fiajd w;awvx.=jg m;ajQ miqjh' weußldkq ckm;sjrhd;a ;j;a lsysm fofkl=;a yer lsisfjla fï f;dr;=r ms<sn| ±kf.k fkdisá nj lshefõ' uq,§ jd¾;dù ;sfnkafka fuys lsishï m%n, ;%ia;jdÈfhl= jdih lrk nj muKs' ìka ,dvka nj jd¾;dù we;af;a b;d uE;l§h' flfia jqj;a ksis fudfyd; meñfKk;=re l,n, fkdù isákakehs Tndud ÿka Wmfoi wkqj fuu fufyhqu mud l< njo jd¾;dfõ'

ìka ,dvka jdih l< ukaÈrh wefndgndÜ m%foaYfha mlsia;dkq yuqod welvñhg ógr ishhla ;rï wdikakfha msysgd ;sîuo úiañ;h' mlsia;dkq iyh ìka ,dvka /ljrKhg ,eî ;snqfka±hs ielhla weußldjg mej;sKs'fï ksidfoda fuu fufyhqu .ek weußldkqjka mlsia;dkq n,OdÍka lsisfjl= wjika fudfyd; f;lau ±kqj;a lr ;snqfka ke;'

ìka ,dvka jdih l< ukaÈrh ;Ügq 2lska hq;=jQ w;r th jgd wä 18 l muK WiajQ ;dmam ne| ;sìKehs jd¾;d fõ' úYd, wdrlaIl f.aÜgq folla we;=¿jk ;ek ;snQ nj;a lsisfjl=g ta yryd .uka lsÍu wmyiq uÜgul mej;Su fya;=fjka fufyhqu .=jkska lrkakg ie,iqï l< nj;a jd¾;dfõ'

mdrl wjidkfha bÈlr ;snQ fuu úYd, ksjdih wjg ksjdi yd iie£fï§ wg.=Khlska muK úYd, tlla jQ njo lshefõ' 2005 jif¾§ muK fuh bÈlr we;s w;r wjg ksjeishka fuh iq,a;dkajrfhl=g wh;a tlla hhs úYajdi lr ;sìKs'

fuu ksjfia ìka ,dvkaf.a <dnd, ìßh;a wef.a ifydaorhskq;a ;j;a mjqf,a Woúh;a tlg jdih l< nj lshefõ'
fmnrjdßh ueo jk úg wdrlaIl ljqkai,h iu. miaj;djla muK ryis.; idlÉPd meje;ajQ nrla Tndud fuu fufyhqu ms<sn| ie,iqï lghq;= isÿ lf<ah'

mdn, yuqod fufyhqulska fuh isÿ lrkafka kï mlsia;dkh iu. yjq,aúh hq;=ùu;a th kqjKg yqre fkdùu;a ksid .=jka fufyhqulska fuh isÿ lrkakg wjidkfha ;SrKh úh'
fuu fufyhqug Tndudf.a wjirh ,enqfka miq.sh isl=rdod ì%;dkHfha rdclSh ux.,Hh mj;ajk w;r;=r§h' fufyhqu i|yd f;dard.;af;a weußldkq ;%ia; úu¾Yk lghq;= i|yd m%isoaêhla Wiq,k kdúl yuqod lKavdhula jk iS,aàï islaia msßils'fufyhqu ndrj l%shd lf<a iS whs ta wOHlaI ,sfhdka mefkgdh'

j¾ðkshd kqjr iS whs ta uQ,ia:dkfha msysá /iaùï Yd,dfõ isg ikaksfõok WmlrK ud¾.fhka fufyhqug iÔùj iïnkaO fjñka iïmQ¾K wK§u yd fufyhùu isÿúh'
±ä m%;sm%ydrhlg iQodkñka fy<sfldmagrh ukaÈrh fj; my;a lroa§ ìka ,dvkaf.a Nghska th fj; frdlÜ f.%fkâ t,a, l< w;r fy<sfldmagrh .sksf.k me;a;lg lvd jeáKs' weußldkq fin¿ka bka mek ueIska;=jlal= m%ydr t,a, lroa§ ìka ,dvkaf.a
wdrlaIlhska t;eku ñh .sfhdah'fï w;r;=r tla fjä myrla ksid ìka ,dvkao ñh .sh w;r th ljqreka úiska ;enQ tlla±hs meyeÈ,s fkdúKs' ñh .sh tla wfhl= ìka ,dvkaf. 24 yeúßÈ mq;%fhl= njo jd¾;d úh'
fï w;r t;ek isá ldka;djlao ñh .shdh' weh ñh hkakg fmr fjä;enQ wh úiska wehj m%dK wemhg ;nd fífrkakg ;e;a l< kuq;a ish,a, urd ±uqK ksid tu W;aidyfhka m<la fkdjqK njo jd¾;dfõ'
fuu iïmQ¾K fufyhqu i|yd .;ù ;sfnkafka ñks;a;= 40la jeks flá ld,hla muKs'
jir 10 lg jeä ld,hla ;siafia w,a,d .kakg wmyiq jQ wxl tfla ;%ia;jdÈhd urd ±ñfï fï ft;sydisl fufyhqu weußldkq b;sydifha T;a;=fiajdjka ,enQ fyd|u ch.%yKh njg ±ka ms<s.efka'