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Dance Stars Dance: missing Chula speaks

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 | 12:47 AM

Chula spoke her heart out boldly saying that Dance Star Dance competition is predominantly a lover’s paradise. Those who support such activities have a place and they survive. Chula who deserted suddenly from this Swarnavahini based popular competition without informing as several malicious stories have been spoken of her. Mervyn Silva,a judge in this contest had said she had not vacated but has disappeared taking along with her several gifts/presents. To get at the correct stance the Gossiplankanews was able to talk to her. She said disappearing is incorrect. Because of injustice meted out to her with various unwanted stories prompted her to stay away without giving notice to the producers.

vdkaia iagd¾ vdkaia zu.=,a ilaj,laZ
wkshï jevj,g ifmdaÜ whg ;ek

pQ,d l;d lrhs

miq.sh i;sfha iaj¾KjdyskS vdkaia iagd¾ vdkaia ;r.h w;er .sh pQ,df.a bj;aùu .ek úúO l;d me;sreKd'tys úksiqrejl= jk u¾úka weu;s;=ud mjid ;snqfka weh bj;ajQjd fkdj ;E.s fnda.;a wrka fmd,a, ;shd mek .sh njls'

tfia bj;aùug we;a;u fya;=j l=ula±hs pQ,d wu;d ±k.ekSug f.disma ,xld ksjqia iu;a jqKd'
weh lsõfõ fufyu l;djla
zfkdlshd w;=reoka jqKd lshk l;dj fndrejla'ug isoaO fjÉp widOdrK ksihs ux fkdhkak ;SrKh lf<a''ux fkdtk nj ksIamdolhskag;a okaj, ;snqKg miafihs wr úÈfy fndre fpdaokdjla t,a, lf¾'''
uf.a bÈßm;a lsÍï j,g nhsisl,hla meo hk r`.mEula lrkak ´k jqKd'tal fjk;a whg lrkak ÿkak;a ug fokak nE lsõj' bÈßm;alsÍu w;r;=r uf.a rEfm ;sf¾ m%o¾Ykh lrkak b,a¨ju;a nE lsõj''taf.d,a,ka leu;s whg kï tajg bv fokj'Z

Tng wvq ie,ls,s ,enqK lsh,o lshkafk@

Tõ''''iuyr whf. tajd ñhqisla ùäfhda lrkj jf.a fo;=ka mdr lrj, täÜ lr, ;uhs úksYaphg odkafk''wmsg jka fÜla lrjkj'''taj ùäfhda lrk l%fu;a yß kE''tl tlaflkdg tl tl ie,ls,s'
ta jf.au fï jevigyfka kegqu lrk fj,dfj úksYaph lrejka fyda fm%alaIlfhd ljqrej;a kE'ßhe,sá fm%da.%Eï tlla úÈyg fkfï hkafk' kgkak neß fiÜ tl biairyg .kak ;uhs ta foaj,a lrkafk'
ge,kaÜ tlla ke;s wh jqK;a ksIamdol wOHlaIljrekaf. wkshï jevj,g yev .efyk úÈyg bkakj kï ta f.d,a,kag ;ekla fokj' wms hkafk t;ek jefâ lr,
tkak ú;rhsfk'''ta ksid wmsj .Kka .ka kE''

tia tï tia l%fï .ek;a ys;d.kak nE' Ñ,S .fhaId b¢oaÈ jeä fofkl= fkdokak wlaId biairyg hkafk lsh, tajf.au fgla,g kgkak;a nE f*auiq;a kE ta jf.a wh biairyg hkafk fldfyduo lsh, ys;d.kak nE''

Tn lshkafka wkshï in|;d j,g ;r.ldßhka mdúÉÑ lrkj lsh,o@
wksjd¾hfhkau mdúÉÑ lrkj'''tal fi!kao¾h ksfla;khlafk''t;ek lïmaf,kaia f.dvla .syska ;shkj''?g fndk tajd''''wkjYH úÈyg .¾,aia,j ?g .syska niaik tajd''t;ek iuyr <uhskaf. mrK fndahs f*%kaâia, weú;a .y.kak taj ks;r fjkj''ßhe,sá ;r.hla ;shk ;;afjl fjkak ´k taj fkfï t;ek fjkafk''

;E.s fnda. wrka Tn Tfydu .sh tl jerÈhs lsh, fpdaokdjla ;shkj@
wfma fldka;%d;a;=fõ yeáhg wdh;kfhka f.jkak ;shk .dKj;a ;du f.j, bjr kE'wms kegqug ú;rhs i,a,s .;af;'fldiaáhqï lrkak ùäfhda täÜ lrkak .sh úhou .;af;d;a w;skq;a mdvqhs'

fï jevigyk id¾:l kE lsh,o lshkafk@
lsisu ie,iqula kE oj,a 12 g lsh, ;sífnd;a myqjod Wfoa 6 fjklïu b|, ;uhs jdfâ bjr lr, tkak fjkafk'
iagd¾ia, lsh, weú,a, ysáh wd¾áiaÜ, f.dvla wh ±ka fïl w;awer, .syska'' biair nelma kgmq wh ;uhs b;=re fj, bkafk' tfyu whg;a ge,kaÜ tlla ;shkj kï lula kE' úksYaph lrefjd;a uq,È lshmq wh fkù ±ka bkafk''

fï je/oao iaj¾Kjdysks wdh;kfho@

iaj¾Kjdysksh olaI;d ;shk f.dvla wh ksid f.dvke.=K kd,sldjla'ux talg .re lrkj kuq;a m%Yafk ;sfhkafk fï jevigyfka ksIamdokh ;=<hs' Tjqka mqoa.,sl yd rdcldÍ Ôú; mg<jd .kak ksihs fï fiaru foaj,a fjkafk'
fufyu Tlafldu, whska fõf.k hkj lshkafk;a f*a,afk'''kuq;a ug ÿl fm%alaIlhskaj uq,dlrk tl''wysxil wh ßhe,sá lsh, tfyu fkdjk foalg tia tï tia hjkj''miafi ta f.d,a,kag ´k wh bÈßhg hjdf.k fndrejla lrkj'''

;ukag Pkaoh m%ldY l< fm%alaIlhskag lsjhq;= mKsúvhlao
pQ,d wmg lsõjd' tu y~ mgh my;ska wikak

  • pQ,df.a bj;aùu w;=reoykaùula f,i y÷kajñka u¾úka is,ajd m< l< woyi we;=<;a ,smsh fu;ekska
  • vdkaia iagd¾ vdkaia fj;ska ñka by; .fhaId bj;aùu ms<sn| ,smsh fu;ekska